Fun Stuff Under $40
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Fordite: Fordite - also called Detroit Agate - is auto paint that has accumulated on the tracks and skids as car body parts were hand spray-painted on the assembly line. When hardened, it can be carved just like bakelite. It usually has blobby layers of color and when washed in hot water it emits a chemical smell.
Lucky Mustard Seeds: This jewelry features a mustard seed encased in plastic or glass. The mustard seed is considered to bring good luck. It refers to the Bible verse Matthew 17:20 "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed.... nothing will be impossible to you".
Other Designer Pieces: Original by Robert - Beau Sterling - Shiebler - Krementz - Austria - Pennino - Silson - Hollycraft - Korda Thief of Bagdad - Ocean Treasures - Mazer - Wendy Gell - Kalo - Forstner - Kerr - Nettie Rosenstein
Pins - Including Sash Pins: SASH PINS - Sash pins were large heavy pins with thick pin stems from around 1890 through 1915. The fashion at this time was to wear a sash over the shoulder and across the chest (like Queen Victoria); or with the lighter Edwardian fashions, around the waist. These pins were used to secure the sash to the dress and were large and heavy to pin through multiple layers of cloth. They come in many styles and motifs.
Rhinestone Jewelry: